C athy and I became high school sweethearts after meeting at a local Baptist Church in Somerville, New Jersey. I knew she was the one from the first time we met! It took her some time to know I was the one! We dated through college and got married after my graduation from Villanova University in 1981. I immediately went to work for Johnson & Johnson and later received an MBA from Xavier University. Cathy worked as a veterinarian technician until our first child came along. After that, she stayed home to care for our four children – a son (Jonathan), daughter (Jessica), son (Trevor), and daughter (Lindsey). They have blessed with six grandchildren that we cherish.
Our Christian Foundation
Cathy and I were both raised in Christian homes. This foundation has been a tremendous blessing in our lives. I was raised in the Baptist church and came to know the Lord in vacation bible school as a child. Cathy was raised in the Dutch Reformed Church and came to know the Lord as a child as well.
Education & Experience
After a 30-year career with Johnson & Johnson, I was unexpectedly asked to be an executive pastor at First Baptist of Weston. After a nine-month prayer battle, I left Johnson & Johnson, went to seminary at Knox Theological Seminary receiving a Master of Divinity degree. Our time at First Baptist Church at Weston was wonderful but after five years there, I joined The Local Church (formerly Calvary Chapel Sawgrass) as their Executive Pastor and have been amazingly blessed to serve there the last five years.
Over the last fifteen years, Cathy has completed a Bachelor degree in Spanish from Florida International University with certificates in translation and interpretation to go along with her Associates degree in Animal Science from Harcum College. She has also started a small translation and interpretation business. Cathy is completely fluent in Spanish and her ministry in the Hispanic community has been amazing to watch as she has used this gifting to minister to Hispanic women and lead the interpretation ministry at The Local Church. Cathy’s Spanish language skills have been invaluable over the last 20 years as we have led countless mission teams to Mexico to partner with Pastor Juan Delfin Viveros and his church, Iglesia Bautista Puerta de Fe in San Juan Teotihuacan, Mexico.
Our Calling
Over the last few years, Cathy and I feel the calling to take the next step of faith to plant a church in the Southwest Broward County area. Our pastoral leadership at The Local Church has been walking this pathway with us and have confirmed our calling with The Local Church serving as our sending church.
Many will say, “Why not stay where you are and finish out your ministry career?” Many have claimed that church planting is for the young. We realize that it is not an easy task. But Cathy and I know two things – first, we must follow the Lord’s calling upon our lives. We realize that sacrifice is the calling of all Christians. We believe that The Lord has uniquely equipped and gifted me to handle the spiritual/preaching as well as the business responsibilities of the church. And we believe that our love for, and Cathy’s skills with, the Hispanic community will help to us have a unique connection in this community. “Finishing strong” is a reality Cathy and I seek to fulfill for the Lord. We realize that we do not have all the answers. But He does and you can help us! We are counting on His wisdom, discernment, and support through His people to guide us along the way. Therefore, we are asking you to join us at The Redeemer’s Place. We want to “joyfully and passionately glorify God” with you by proclaiming the supremacy of Jesus and encouraging you along the way. We simply want to be Your Church. Your Friends. Your Family. So, come and join us and be a part of an exciting new church in your community! If you have questions, please email me.
Blessings in Christ,
Joe & Cathy Guynes